Sunday, November 17, 2013

Eating Behavior And Vocabulary Expanding The Meaning of the Word 'Heavy'

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Do you Binge?

Do you wonder why you cannot resist your eating too much of your favorite food?

I found out that eating behavior is related to words and my definition of the word.

I realized my food choice is a vocabulary problem.

Let's look at the Word 'Heavy'

The Word Web defines it as:

Usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it

We have this belief that when we feel heavy we will weigh heavy on the weighing scale where within this, we are  judging ourselves as 'ugly' within being 'fat'  or 'heavy' based on our interpretation of what we  feel and see which is usually associated and influenced by the media within what we see on TV in terms of advertising, the movies, videos etc..

Here's the behavior that i saw that comes from an interpretation of the word 'heavy' or 'fat' :
1. Avoids eating rice
2. Wears loose clothing that will hide the fat in my stomach
3. Wears clothes that will make me look thin like a straight cut blouse over tapered pants
4. Experience Anxiety
7. Gets Stressed

It is my interpretation that the word 'heavy' means 'fat' and so within this , fear being fat which translates to my behavior - in my choice of  food, clothes etc.

So, we will expand the definition of the word 'heavy' where instead of  depending on my interpretation of the word within my mind which is really an interpretation of reality, based on my judgments or biases which are based on what i have read or seen in the media, the slim stars in Hollywood etc. which influence my judgments therefore my behavior, i will give it an expanded meaning, to correct myself in my use of the word.
within the weight loss industry.

Expanding The Meaning of the word 'Heavy'

The Word 'Heavy'

Usually describes a large person who the eyes see as bigger than normal according to an interpretation of what body frame or body size means which is based on a mind standard within what weight one should have  according to what ones height is. This is based on what we have read or heard, rather than seeing the body's expression within size which gives us a reference point to see what food to give the body to assist it within what size it can function optimally - so it can also assist us in expressing ourselves here in this physical existence.


The Other Brain Also Deals With Many Woes

'He said up to 70 percent of the patients he treats for chronic gut disorders had experienced early childhood traumas like parents' divorces, chronic illnesses or parents' deaths. "I think that what happens in early life, along with an individual's genetic background, programs how a person will respond to stress for the rest of his or her life," he said.'

Note: I use a software that makes me look at words as what it is rather than use words within bias
If you have any question, Email me at

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