Sunday, November 17, 2013

Eating Behavior And Vocabulary Expanding The Meaning of the Word 'Heavy'

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Do you Binge?

Do you wonder why you cannot resist your eating too much of your favorite food?

I found out that eating behavior is related to words and my definition of the word.

I realized my food choice is a vocabulary problem.

Let's look at the Word 'Heavy'

The Word Web defines it as:

Usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it

We have this belief that when we feel heavy we will weigh heavy on the weighing scale where within this, we are  judging ourselves as 'ugly' within being 'fat'  or 'heavy' based on our interpretation of what we  feel and see which is usually associated and influenced by the media within what we see on TV in terms of advertising, the movies, videos etc..

Here's the behavior that i saw that comes from an interpretation of the word 'heavy' or 'fat' :
1. Avoids eating rice
2. Wears loose clothing that will hide the fat in my stomach
3. Wears clothes that will make me look thin like a straight cut blouse over tapered pants
4. Experience Anxiety
7. Gets Stressed

It is my interpretation that the word 'heavy' means 'fat' and so within this , fear being fat which translates to my behavior - in my choice of  food, clothes etc.

So, we will expand the definition of the word 'heavy' where instead of  depending on my interpretation of the word within my mind which is really an interpretation of reality, based on my judgments or biases which are based on what i have read or seen in the media, the slim stars in Hollywood etc. which influence my judgments therefore my behavior, i will give it an expanded meaning, to correct myself in my use of the word.
within the weight loss industry.

Expanding The Meaning of the word 'Heavy'

The Word 'Heavy'

Usually describes a large person who the eyes see as bigger than normal according to an interpretation of what body frame or body size means which is based on a mind standard within what weight one should have  according to what ones height is. This is based on what we have read or heard, rather than seeing the body's expression within size which gives us a reference point to see what food to give the body to assist it within what size it can function optimally - so it can also assist us in expressing ourselves here in this physical existence.


The Other Brain Also Deals With Many Woes

'He said up to 70 percent of the patients he treats for chronic gut disorders had experienced early childhood traumas like parents' divorces, chronic illnesses or parents' deaths. "I think that what happens in early life, along with an individual's genetic background, programs how a person will respond to stress for the rest of his or her life," he said.'

Note: I use a software that makes me look at words as what it is rather than use words within bias
If you have any question, Email me at

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Health, Wellness and Words

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This is the first in a series of blogs i will do about food, recipes, wellness, nutrition and life in general. Here, we will investigate how our mind thinks and why we choose what we choose to eat and when.

Our food habits or behaviors are influenced by thoughts which are pictures that we defined within our mind.

Some words become inflated in our mind, as we associate a positive idea to it like the word 'superfoods' where we believe we can become 'super healthy' when we eat them - not seeing that this is our mind interpretation of this word and that when we look at Wikipedia for example, this is the definition we will see of this word:

Superfood is a marketing term used 
to describe foods with supposed health benefits. 
Blueberries, often called a superfood[1]
The term is not in common use by dietitians and nutrition scientists, many of whom dispute that particular foodstuffs have the health benefits often claimed by advocates of particular superfoods.[2]

We will investigate how we can remediate words and have direct-access to information instead of thinking about them in our mind - as part of the natural learning process.

We will give a clear definition of words we commonly use when we refer to food, recipes, nutrition, wellness, health and life in general. 

We will correct the definitions we give words within our mind, transforming them from fear labels to words as how they are commonly defined or used in this world, as.

We have to ask ourselves:

What is driving us to choose the kind of food we eat or not eat?

Why do i open the refrigerator even when i am not hungry?

Why do i eat whatever i see in the house when i am alone?

Is my Eating Behavior  A Vocabulary Problem? 

Let's look at the definition of Behavior:

Behavior word web : (psychology)the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation

Response word web: is a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent

Reaction word web: is aidea evoked by some experience

Movement word web:
1.A change of position that does not entail a change of location 
2.The act of changing location from one place to another

It is our preference for a certain food item or a certain taste that we associate with a positive memory, picture or word in our mind, believing that these foods will also give us happiness.

We resist that which we connect to unpleasant memories in the past which we re-live when we taste the food we associated them with.

We experience these unpleasant experiences within our mind, which we believed was a source of unhappiness, suffering and pain. 

We  avoid these foods because we believe through Not eating them, we can avoid these negative memories - memories of others being sick in our family or our near death memories - which we believed can influence how we feel at a given moment - so we try to run away from this fear through avoiding eating food items such as rice, corn etc.

We did not realize that it is our fear that is impulsing us to react in different ways to different food items.

We tend to reach out for food that we associate with happy experiences.

We avoid food that we be-lie -ve will 'make us gain weight', that will 'make us feel bad', that will 'give us some pimples' etc. and food that we believe will' make us sick', as per what the tv or what the books we read said - whether they will be 'cancer causing' or can 'cause some allergy' etc.

We resist being sick because we associated it with the possibility of dying.  

We formed a personality within our fear of sickness and death which interestingly enough is the same personality that desires the opposite polarity - wanting to be healthy, wanting overall wellness, wanting to look good and wanting to feel good.

Interestingly enough, this Health and Wellness personality is also the Sickness and Un-wellness personality that i am embodying within my choice of food.

Our fears drive us to desire food that we believe is healthy and food that will make us feel well in the long term. But because this personality is polarized within our mind, whenever we choose to eat food that we believe is healthy,  we are charging  the battery within our mind, so to speak, so, as we eat food that we believe is healthy, we are charging this polarized personality, and because the mind is works in polarity - within friction and conflict,  as we are charging the 'healthy personality, we are also charging the 'unhealthy personality' .

These personalities we created within our mind. They are alternate versions of ourselves. This is not who we really are. 

Who we are is the physical body that moves, breathes, talks, express ourselves and works in alignment to the rest of the physical ecosystem

Whatever we eat will feed the cells what it needs to be able to perform its functions.

But when the personality which desires happiness starts overriding the body's preference for food, that originally assists in the physical body's functioning -- begins to choose food that will make us feel happy and blissful it, instead, feeds the mind's desire to eat based on what tastes good, sweet, etc., and food that will make our blood sugar rise -- rather than eating food to support the body.

This is not the way to assist the body. This is becoming our own worst enemy. This way we create  conflict and friction within our mind.

What happens is that the mind feeds off the energy from the body producing thoughts, feelings and emotions. 

We react to the fear and uncertainty that we created within our mind. The body sensing this reaction, reacts to it and that is when we experience Stress in our physical body. When we react to fear the body reacts to our reaction to what we fear within our mind. As we resist what we fear, the fear persist. 

'What we resist persist'

We then look for that which will entertain us momentarily. This is our way of resisting or running away from fear which is impulsed by what we read or hear which are usually words that we in turn speak and write which we resist rather than accept because of the associated 'negative' meaning that we connected or defined it within. 

How do we spot words with an inflated or deflated meaning?

There is a way to see which words are biased. There is a software that i use that does that. When we speak or write words, an emotion or feeling arise within our mind, sometimes we can spot them if they are positively charged but most of the time, when they are negatively charged or when we are busy thinking as we speak and write, we are not fully aware, so, we participate and use information that is laden with unreal value judgments without us being aware of it. 

There is a way to spot which words are inflated or deflated in our vocabulary and remediate them.

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International Association for Health Coaches Member!